Pure, Natural, Wild is the standard for our products at Evoke. We make all our products with the best quality and most natural ingredients available.

There are no “fillers” or “extra” ingredients to mess with the body. We do not use synthetic fragrances, “nature identical oils”, soap grade oils, artificial colors or dyes, petroleum by-products or animal by-products.

Our products are natural and organic, cruelty free, vegan* and use bottles that can be recycled all of which, when combined translates into great products that give much joy and happiness.

When we create our products we pay careful attention to whom we are making our products for since children and adults have different body care and wellness needs. Just as you would not introduce honey to a newborn or raw vegetables to an enfant as their first foods you would use different essential oils, vegetable oils and “raw” materials for children at different stages of their growth and development than you would for adults. This is why we have products aimed specifically for kids and have age recommendations on our products.
We are an independent company that believes in the quality and effectiveness of our body care and wellness products. To provide you with the best products we have sourced our ingredients from high-quality reputable suppliers who search the globe meeting farmers and distillers so that they can bring these wonderful raw materials to us. Our suppliers have Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) Records and a certificate of analysis that test for oil purity on all the oils we use. This procedure ensures that the ingredients we use in all our products are of superior quality and potency.

We are not licensed to recommend internal use of essential oils so we recommend that you do not ingest essential oils or essential oil products. Our products are for topical use (on the body) or for diffusion into the air.
A certified aromatherapist who has extensive knowledge and training on the application, usage, dilution, contraindications, and properties of the essential oils being used has masterfully formulated each Evoke product. Further experience the formulator draws on is University education in Biology specializing in Botany, to over a decade in organic farming having focused on vegetables, herbs, and flowers. Evoke draws on this depth of experience, education and intimate connection with plants and their healing properties to ensure the formulation of exceptional, highly potent, balanced body care and wellness products for you and your family.
We are passionate about the work we do and want to bring the best in body care and wellness to you! We know how life is busy, and how this can create stress. Our body and wellness care products are made to help simplify your life by providing you with complete body and wellness care in an easy to use manor that is safe and packaged in an environmentally sensitive yet convenient way for your active life. We want you and your family to feel and look great so that you can live your life in complete wellness and joy.

Pure Natural Wild

* Some products contain beeswax

Thanks for making the children’s Respiratory Support.

I feel great knowing I am applying a natural and organic product to my son’s chest when he is congested at night.

– Laura –